by Lynn Hershman Leeson
Every Photograph that has ever been made, holds some truth about the world, The lens doesn't have the ability to lie, This project explores the Possibilities of the Photographs as evidence, a medium to represent Truth, manipulated to document a narrative, a lie.
Roberta existed not only in the Photographs made of her, she undertook real-life activities such as opening a bank account, obtaining credit cards, renting an apartment, seeing a psychiatrist, and becoming involved in trendy occupations, such as EST and Weight Watchers. Breitmore placed ads in local newspapers seeking a roommate. This action resulted in 43 responses. She pursued interactions with 27 of those individuals. Roberta had her own clothing, signature makeup, walk, gestures, speech mannerisms, and handwriting.Her activities were documented in 144 drawings and surveillance photographs, as well as other artifacts, including checks, credit cards, and a driver’s license. During the fourth year of the performance, Breitmore multiplied into four other people appearing in her guise. The performance ended in 1978 at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara, Italy in an exorcism ritual held in the crypt of Lucrezia Borgia, during which Breitmore was transformed through the elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

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